About Me

My name is Dillon Decicio. I'm that strange kinda guy, who you don't know what I'll throw at you. One minute it could be a rant about an awesome video game, another it could be something about History you might not expect me to be interested in. I typically wax and wane with my online presence and come and go with the wind.

This is not my only blog, but this is my blog for the lulz. It exists entirely as a 'my free time/personal life' type of deal. I don't talk business, I don't talk about serious discussions (or at least not formally), and it takes much broader strokes than my other blogs. Chances are I will maintain 3-4 blogs total, sometimes with a pen name.

Freelance Techie is my alias, but Blogger sadly got stuck with Freelance Innovations since someone beat me to Freelance Techie this time. Feel free to shoot me an email, ask to chat, whatever. For those who know what Starcraft is, I'm a fan. Just be warned, I suck at it.